I Am Poem


Line 1: I am (two special characteristics)
Line 2: I wonder (something you are curious about)
Line 3: I hear (an imaginary sound)
Line 4: I see (an imaginary sight)
Line 5: I want (an actual desire)
Line 6: I am (repeat line 1)
Line 7: I pretend (something you pretend to do)
Line 8: I feel (A feeling about something imaginary)
Line 9: I touch (an imaginary touch)
Line 10: I worry (something that really bothers you)
Line 11: I cry (something that makes you very sad)
Line 12: I am (repeat line 1)
Line 13: I understand (something you know is true)
Line 14: I say(something you believe in)
Line 15: I dream (something you actually dream about)
Line 16: I try (something you make an effort to do)
Line 17: I hope (something you hope for)
Line 18: I am (repeat line 1)

I Am Poem Example :

I am loving and caring
I wonder why people can't communicate better
I hear angry voices from those around me
I see unhappy people
I want to surround myself with happiness
I am loving and caring
I pretend that people don't argue
I feel that everyone loves me
I touch their souls to make them happy
I worry that I will have a sad life
I cry when people hurt my soul
I am loving and caring
I understand that not everyone gets along
I say be true to who you are
I dream about feeling loved
I try to make others happy
I hope my life will be joyful
I am loving and caring

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